Click here for PDF of election guide
Click here to for PDF of nominee bios
Click here for the BALLOT TO VOTE
The nomination window has closed.
The election voting window is open until 7pm Wednesday Feb 23rd.
Election results will be announced by end of day Sunday Feb 27th on
• Candidates must live, own property, or represent a business or organization within the neighborhood boundaries as listed below.
• Only one vote permitted per business or organization.
• Must be 18 years old.
See Bylaws for full member description.
There's open positions for:
• (2 seats) At Large Representatives
• District 1 Representative
• District 2 Representative
• District 3 Representative
• District 4 Representative
• District 6 Representative
• Board Chair
At Large Reps must live, own property or represent a business/organization anywhere in Midtown Phillips to be on the board. At Large Representative terms are two years.
District Reps must live, own property or represent a business/organization in their geographical area. See map below. Even district terms are two years. Odd district terms are one year.
Board Chair is a one-year term and must live, own property or represent a business/organization anywhere in Midtown Phillips.
Participating on the board, at a minimum, involves attending board meetings (currently held the second Tuesday of each month) and community meetings (when scheduled, held the fourth Tuesday of the month).
Midtown Phillips is comprised of 6 districts and the boundaries are between East 24th Street to the north, East Lake Street to the south, Bloomington Avenue to the east, and Chicago Avenue to the west.

Positions highlighted in red are up for election February 22, 2022.
(Odd districts are elected in odd years and even districts in even years)
Midtown Phillips Board Chair: John Richard
NOMINATED: John Richard
(One-year term, 2021-2022)
At Large Representative: Mahamed Cali
(Two-year term, 2021-2023)
At Large Representative: Jamie (Larson) Mendoza-Brenner
(Two-year term, 2021-2023)
At Large Representative: Jana Metge (not seeking reelection)
NOMINATED: Anniessa Antar
(Two-year term, 2020-2022)
At Large Representative: Wayne Bugg
(Two-year term, 2020-2022)
District 1 Representative: OPEN-one year of term remaining
24th-26th St & Chicago to 12th Avenue
(Two-year term, 2021-2023)
District 2 Representative: Joanne Johnson
NOMINATED: Joanne Johnson
24th-26th St & 12th Avenue to Bloomington
(Two-year term, 2020-2022)
District 3 Representative: OPEN-one year of term remaining
26th -28th St & Chicago to 12th Avenue
(Two-year term, 2021-2023)
District 4 Representative: Donna Neste (not seeking reelection)
NOMINATED: Chris Daniel
26th -28th St & 12th Avenue to Bloomington
(Two-year term, 2020-2022)
District 5 Representative: Chris Lomheim
28th-Lake St & Chicago to 12th Avenue
(Two-year term, 2021-2023)
District 6 Representative: Sunshine Sevigny (not seeking reelection)
NOMINATED: Ruby Levine
28th-Lake St & 12th Ave to Bloomington
(Two-year term, 2020-2022)

Board Chair Nominee: John Richard
John Richard: I am running for a second term as President of the Mid Town Phillips Neighborhood Association. In my three years of serving on the board, I have learned a lot about the ins-and-outs of the board operations, and want to assist the board with this as many experienced members are leaving. My approach will be to continue to recognize the rich assists of the community as we move into the future. My goals will be to promote affordable housing, including homeownership opportunities for all our neighbors, to increase involvement of all communities and language groups in the neighborhoods, to provide safety for all neighbors, and to continue to insist that the city government recognize the we are the real experts on the needs of our community and will insist to have a voice in decision making. Outside of the board, I work and workforce development, and bring professional skills in program development, outreach and budget management to the table. Thanks for considering my candidacy.

At Large Representative Nominee: Anniessa Antar
Anniessa Antar: I am an art and cultural worker and educator who lives on the 2900 block of 12th Ave. I’ve been living here since 2020. Serving on the MPNAI board would be an honor to continue connecting with neighbors, both on my block and throughout the neighborhood. I want to help think through how we keep each other safe and how to celebrate the incredible artistic and cultural talents of our community.

District 2 Representative Nominee: Joanne Johnson
Joanne Johnson is a 12 year resident of Midtown Phillips and a first generation American. She has served her community as block club leader for the past 5 years and as a board member for the last 2 years. She is currently working on housing and safety for ALL Midtown Phillips.

At Large Representative Nominee: Wayne Bugg
Wayne Bugg grew up in the inner city of Harvey, IL. He was a troubled teen, and at the age of 15 he got expelled from school and left the state. He moved to Minnesota and has been a resident ever since. With encouragement from members of the St. Vincent de Paul Twin Cities and others, Wayne re-enrolled in school. At the age of 19 he got his General Education Degree (G.E.D.). Since then Wayne has graduated from college and received his B.A. in Business Management. Wayne has worked for the SVdP TC for 20+ years. He currently is serving as their associate executive director. He is married with 5 children, and has been an active church member for many years.

District 6 Representative Nominee: Ruby Levine
Ruby Levine (she/her): I am running for the MPNAI Board because I want to be involved in making my neighborhood a better place and responding to the challenges our community has been facing. I have lived on 14th Avenue since 2014. Over the last two years especially, I have gotten to know my neighbors and really fallen in love with this community. I want to help us figure out what positive steps we can take to involve and serve our neighbors in making a safer, more positive community.

District 4 Representative Nominee: Chris Daniel
Chris Daniel is an IT professional living on the 2600 block of 15th Ave since 2016. He is interested in connecting people with new perspectives and enthusiastic about infrastructure and urbanism.