Nomination Form for Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association Board
Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association (MPNAI) held it's annual board election on March 9 at the Phillips Community Center. The meeting was held from 10-12, and the ballot was open from 11am on March 9 to March 11th, 2024.
Interested in running for the Board? We have seats open and welcome your nomination! You can read more about the role of a board member here. Contact with any questions.
District 1 Representative: OPEN
24th-26th St & Chicago to 12th Avenue
(Two-year term)
District 2 Representative: OPEN
24th-26th St & 12th Avenue to Bloomington
(Two-year term)
District 3 Representative: OPEN
26th -28th St & Chicago to 12th Avenue
(Two-year term)
District 5 Representative: OPEN
28th-Lake St & Chicago to 12th Avenue
(Two-year term)
At Large Reps must live, own property or represent a business/organization anywhere in Midtown Phillips to be on the board. At Large Representative terms are two years.
District Reps must live, own property or represent a business/organization in their geographical area. District terms are two years. Odd districts are elected in odd years and even districts are elected in even years.
Midtown Phillips District Map & More Info
Midtown Phillips is comprised of 6 districts and the boundaries are between East 24th Street to the north, East Lake Street to the south, Bloomington Avenue to the east, and Chicago Avenue to the west.